The #1 Mobile App Builder
Launch a 5-star mobile app for your Shopify store.
Trusted by 1,000+ Shopify merchants
Drag & Drop
Launch your mobile app in minutes.
With AppFounder, you can customize every aspect of your mobile app, making it perfectly aligned with your brand.

AppFounder offers you a stage to showcase your app and brand. Create a stunning mobile app with our state-of-the-art builder. Own your app in the digital universe.

Did you know?


of total web traffic for e-commerce platforms comes from mobile devices.

Mobile App Showcase👇

App example 1.
Designed by AppFounder.

App example 2.
Designed by AppFounder.

App example 3.
Designed by AppFounder.

App example 4.
Designed by AppFounder.

+ 1000 more trusted apps!

Increase sales
3x your sales.
The conversion rate of a mobile app is more than 3x higher than a mobile website!

Success leaves clues. World-class stores are crushing sales with their own uniquely branded mobile app. AppFounder makes it easier than ever to get you off the ground.

8x your engagement.
Users are 8x more likely to respond to push alerts than they are to email!

Send UNLIMITED push notification alerts to your customers and watch your sales skyrocket!

Did you know?


of push notification alerts are visible to your customers. Send flash sales, discounts and news directly to your customers device.

You have questions, we have answers.
What is AppFounder?
With AppFounder, you can customize every aspect of your mobile app, making it perfectly aligned with your brand. Our app is equipped with powerful search and collection filters, ensuring that your customers can easily navigate through your products. With multi-language and multi-currency support, you can easily reach a global audience. Featuring unlimited push alerts, you can easily keep your customers informed at all times.
How can I verify that AppFounder is official?
If you'd like to verify we're official, simply visit the official Shopify app store and search for AppFounder or visit this direct link
What's included in my FREE trial?
Your FREE trial includes a world-class FREE design from our professional design team and FULL access to the AppFounder platform.
Is your FREE trial really FREE?
Absolutely! It's a FREE trial with NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED!
How do I get in touch with AppFounder?
We love to hear from our merchants. Email us at [email protected]
Does AppFounder sell my data?
Never! We will never sell your data to third parties.